Small scripts and achievements

June 16, 2008

Small Amusings

These are some small choirs I have built simple to moderate scripts to handle. Many of this is now found in classes in just about every language, relics if you will.

Stand Alone Java Programs

Song Indexer

Small Java program recursively runs through your music folder printing all songs in an ordered and grouped xml file. Included xsl sheet gives it a nice look.

Excel To XML

Java program builds xml files based on data from excel spreadsheets. Typically creates 1 xml file for each row, However, each xml file may span multiple rows, and workbooks if need be. No need to format the workbook in any special manner, completely customizable. (This project is not available for use.)

PHP Web Scripts

PHP Jeopardy Script

Simple script shows 25 questions and answers corresponding to each block. Blocks hide after being used. Ideal for studying methods in classrooms. (Free hosting and set-up for teachers)

PHP Events Manager

Allows users (with passwords) to add events to a community calendar. Events are listed in chronological order from today. Each event has customizable poster page for direct linking. Ideal for bands and venues promoting upcoming events.

PHP Book Xchange

Simple and scalable suite allows users to post and request books. Very basic list system, allows basic searches. Was originally designed to save college kids money. NO LONGER HOSTED

Easy Image Upload with Password

Allows forum and blog users to easily upload pictures using a protected form. As an occasional web developer I use the form when I’m on a machine that may not have FTP clients and I want to quickly post a photo somewhere. Many forums restrict the ability to upload photos, and this is a simple and fast solution. Provides HTML and BB code along with the picture and location. Just copy and paste the text into the post and your good to go.

Speed Content Adder for Mambo

Written to add quotes to my mambo install on other sites. Just fill the section, category, start name and author, then paste a chunk of comma separated quotes in the text area. The PHP script will separate and add the content to the DB as publishe

Mambo Components and Modules

Anti-Vir Virus Alert Panel Module

Did not make the form, just provided a module to wrap the settings into mambos back end.

Babelfish Translation Module

Same as above. Only back end setting is the placement.

Google Adsense for Search Wrapper & Module

Read many forum articles trying to display results within my mambo site. Devised a module and static content page to accomplish the task.

Module for Webrings Badge

Use to display the badge on a site to promote visitors. Basic link exchange type deal I guess.

JavaScript Scripts

Random Frame

Displays an inline frame showing a random page. Top frame allows manual selection and displays current pages title.

Random Picture

Shows a random picture on click and refresh. Uses wait image between loads. Manual scroll buttons also.

Email Validation (Contact Form)

Validate name, comment and email address. (

Dynamic Order Form

Displays various drop-down boxed based on current selection. Generate an email based on the type and details of order.

Nifty tech tag lists fromĀ Wouter Beeftink | Page content generated from commit: c51370a