Adds fan-out/fan-in capabilities to Bamboo embedding Deployment Environments as part of the end-to-end flow.
There are two main components to this plugin; Fancy flow diagram visualization, and ability for builds to embed deployments as intermediate steps.
Bamboo Flow provides a “railroad diagram” style view of all build and deployment details, whether the specific plan is using Bamboo Flow to control deployment integration or not.
Bamboo Flow will also show a much smaller visualization of the latest build in the Plan Overview heading.
These features are automatically enabled, and requires not additional configuration. You can disable the Plugin Modules to disable either of them
Bamboo Flow allows linked deployment project environments to be embeded not as a final stage, but a step within the build process, triggering additional downstream build stages.
This feature requires plans to be configured as described below.
Flow diagrams are enabled by default for all projects. These steps are only necessary to embed deployments as stages within a pipeline, triggering additional build stages on their completion.
** Jobs run in parallel, stages run sequentially
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